The primary schools 25 de Junho, 10 de Janeiro and Unidade 18 are all located within the city of the Mozambican capital Maputo, whereas the school Inhaca Nkalane is about a 30 minutes boat ride off the coast of the mainland, but still within the municipality of Maputo.
The Maputo City Council (Conselho Municipalda Cidade de Maputo, CMM) has assessed all four primary schools as a priority in need of WASH infrastructure improvement, particularly for measures that promote barrier-free access and are gender-responsive.

From 2017 onwards, WfW has been collaborating with the Maupto City Council and Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) with the vision to improve the water, sanitation and hygiene situation in 101 public primary schools in Maputo.
So far WfW implemented comprehensive measures at four primary schools in structurally neglected areas in Maputo. A collaboration with two schools in Katembe, a fast-growing suburb of Maputo, has started in 2023.
over 6,700 children benefit directly from improved infrastructure
over 100,000 soaps have been distributed in schools
over 37,000 people benefit from hygiene improvement activities
The rationale behind the work WfW is implementing in schools in Maputo considers that rehabilitation interventions of WASH infrastructure are always paired with hygiene promotion campaigns. Trainings and workshops for students are implemented that focus on topics promoting behaviour change and addressing social issues (i.e. menstrual hygiene management, handwashing with soap, rational use of water or sexual and reproductive health).

Moreover, for a sustainable impact, these campaigns do not only target pupils and teachers from the schools, but also members of the surrounding community. WfW integrated such an approach in the barrio Aeroporto B by not only enabling safe sanitation for 2’500 students of the primary school Unidade 18 but also with the construction of 73 toilets and 3 sanitation blocks for 840 communities members.
The involvement of the whole school is an important concern for us in order to achieve sustainable improvement of the WASH situation. Therefore, pupils, teachers and staff members were trained to support operations and management of the WASH infrastructure and behaviors.

Sanitation Nuclei
A selected group of children are trained in workshops as sanitation nuclei. They help their classmates to implement hygiene practices such as handwashing.

WASH Activists
For the implementation of hygiene promotion activities and daily operational tasks, WASH activistes were contracted at each school.

WASH Auxiliaries
To guarantee that all infrastructure are in proper shape for the use of all students and teachers, WASH auxiliaries were trained to operate and manage the facilities on a daily basis.
At the beginning of 2021, the Maputo City Council prioritised the primary school Inhaca Nkalane for intervention. After several exchanges with the school management, WfW started cooperating with this school at the end of 2021 with the aim of eliminating the unsafe sanitary conditions by building new sanitary facilities for the 491 children and 15 teachers. In April 2023, the infrastructure was inaugurated: gendersensitive and inclusive toilet facilities, hand-washing stations, a water tank and renovated roofs of the two school buildings that had been damaged by a storm. The infrastructural intervention was supplemented with hygiene training to promote the health of the children and ensure the sustainable use of the facilities.

Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)
WSUP ist eine britische Multi–Sektor-Partnerschaft und in sieben afrikanischen Ländern aktiv. Das Ziel von WSUP ist es, in Zusammenarbeit mit städtischen Wasser- und Abwasserversorgern finanziell nachhaltige und zahlbare Versorgungssysteme für arme Stadtgebiete zu ermöglichen. WfW arbeitet direkt mit WSUP Mozambique zusammen. WSUP ist für das Monitoring und Controlling sowie die Konzeption der von WfW finanzierten Projekte verantwortlich.

Maputo City Council
The Maputo City Council (Conselho Municipalda Cidade de Maputo, CMM) has collaborated with WfW for the improvements to WASH infrastructure in Maputo’s primary schools since 2017. The shared vision is to expand these activities to the 100 primary schools in the municipality of Maputo. Furthermore, the goal is – together with the Municipal Directorate of Education within CMM – to clearly define a WASH programme that can be taught at these schools.


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