

Below, you find all our current job vacancies at WATER FOR WATER (WfW) in Lucerne (Switzerland), Lusaka (Zambia) and Maputo (Mozambique).

Praktikum Support Programme und Bildung Schweiz (80-100 %), 12 Monate

Are you young and wondering how you can make a meaningful contribution to society? How charity and entrepreneurship can coexist? Why so many people in Switzerland still drink water from plastic bottles instead of the tap? And how you can get young people interested in water and its sustainable use? Then get in touch with us!

Internship Support Programmes and Education Switzerland (80-100 %), 12 months (German)

Are you interested? Then apply by e-mail to job@wfw.ch. As we want to find a suitable person as quickly as possible, there is no application deadline. We review the applications we receive on an ongoing basis and conduct interviews as soon as we receive interesting applications.

Civil Service, LUCERNE

Willst du unsere Organisation besser kennenlernen und uns bei der Arbeit unterstützen? Melde dich über das Kontaktformular oder direkt an job@wfw.ch.

Didn't find anything?

If you want to support us in other ways, check out our support options and our shop. But even more important - drink tap water. Your environment will thank you.


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The WfW Documentary provides a unique insight into our projects in Zambia and Switzerland.
201906 Dreierlei GREEN Zimmermann Herbert 27


Together with partners and through our own projects, we are changing water management in Switzerland