Together with WfW, schools promote a climate-friendly and fair approach to water. In this way, they are actively shaping a sustainable use of this elementary resource.
AQUADEMIA is an educational programme that aims to promote the competence of students of secondary level I and II in the fair and climate-friendly use of water.
A long-term partnership with schools allows WfW to convey a holistic understanding of the elementary resource water by examining the topic from different perspectives and developing and realising scope for action together with the pupils.
WfW water experts deepen the following three module topics with the students in workshops: "Water and Consumption", "Water, Sanitation and Hygiene" and "Professional World of Water".
Multimedia activities or inputs prepared by WfW can be carried out independently by teachers with their classes. The teaching inspirations tie in with the module topics and serve to deepen them periodically.
Inspired by the WfW workshop, pupils plan actions for a water challenge for the entire school. The students take an active role in the sustainable design of their environment and actively contribute to a climate-friendly and fair use of the resource water.
Concrete measures promote sustainable water consumption throughout the school and thus ideally complement the activation at class level.
Each of the three modules "Water and Consumption", "Water, Sanitation and Hygiene" and "Professional World of Water" is treated on the basis of a one-year water cycle. This allows a module to be addressed through different forms of education and with varying intensity over a whole year. The exact sequence and content of the partnership is agreed upon together with the school. We would be happy to present the concept and possible forms of implementation to interested schools in a personal meeting.
"Our students experience Education for Sustainable Development close to everyday life. As a WfW partner school, we are supported in sensitising the young people to the use of the natural resource water and in promoting the drinking of tap water."
Nadia Stalder, teacher und project manager for School culture at the School Zentrum Horw