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In Linda, a district 30 minutes outside the centre of the Zambian capital Lusaka, WfW is pursuing the goal of making access to water safe, fair and consistently available for all residents.
WfW therefore invests not only in the building infrastructure, but also in the operational management structures of the local water supply. The goal is to build a self-sustaining and sustainable water supply system with a high level of service for all residents of the district in order to improve their quality of life.
Linda is a rapidly growing peri-urban neighbourhood in the south of Lusaka, Zambia, where WfW has been working since 2014.
With the construction of eight water kiosks, WfW has already made a significant contribution to the systematic water supply of the neighbourhood.
Now we are going a step further: By introducing defined management structures, solutions for existing difficulties regarding the available water quality and quantity are to be found in Linda - with the aim of establishing a fair and professional water supply for all residents of the district.
50'000 residents (estimation February 2018)
CHF 2 average income per day
water supply through 523 household connections and 14 water kiosks
Planning of the water supply system in Linda, Lusaka, WfW 2016.
Water kiosk in Linda, Lusaka, WfW 2016
clarification and formalisation of responsibilities and procedures through the introduction of a "Delegated Management Model" (DMM)
strengthening the connection between the population and the water supply company
construction and equipment of the local customer centre and establishment of an operational team
In order to establish a sustainable, self-sustaining water supply system in Linda, it is necessary to formalise the operational activities and areas of responsibility of the water supply in addition to structural measures for water access. Therefore, WfW and WSUP (Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor) have introduced a "Delegated Management Model", or DMM for short, in cooperation with the population and the local water supply company.
The DMM has already been introduced in other comparable structurally disadvantaged districts and has been able to strengthen the exchange of the urban water supplier with the population by expanding and structuring the coordination of the local water supply.
In Linda, a local customer centre, a branch office of the municipal water supplier LWSC, is being built as a practical contact point for the customers on site, in order to improve unnecessary additional work and complicated administrative processes.
The construction of this customer centre and the formalisation of procedures and responsibilities should not only increase consumer satisfaction, but also create a cost centre that is financially independent of the municipal water supplier.
A professional water supply system should not only cover its costs, but also aim for a high service level of water and wastewater supply. These two factors were central in Linda.
At the beginning of 2020, the newly built customer centre was opened in Linda as a local branch office of the municipal water supplier LWSC and official contact point for consumers.
With this physical presence of the water supplier, residents can easily contact the service provider directly in the neighbourhood and settle their bills.
At the end of 2021, the centre's operational team has reached an important milestone: In recent years, the income from the water supply has increased tenfold due to the rising number of household connections. The infrastructure is thus self-sustaining.
These increased revenues reflect the residents' satisfaction with the water supply. Both the team and the consumers are happy about this success:
Customer centre manager Moses Kasongo at his daily work in the office. 2021
Cashier Gertrude Munthali handling a transaction with a customer. 2021
Resident Loyd Manda settles his water bill at the counter. 2021
Plumbers Mundia Likolo and John Phiri (1st and 6th from left) as well as Albert Mulungu, representative of the neighbourhood association, (1st from right) are permanent members of the operational team. 2021
Rachel works in the customer centre as a cashier and would like to become a water operator in the future. 2022
The water connection Fridah uses serves about 6 families. She grows vegetables and has enough water to supply her family and neighbours with fresh vegetables. 2022
The water supply company of the Lusaka province LWSC has the official mandate for water supply and sanitation. During the introduction of the management model, the LWSC was involved in the implementation of the customer centre and the new structures.
WSUP is a british multisector organization with local offices in Zambia and other african countries. Together with WfW, WSUP created the development of the management concepts in Linda and is responsible for the coordination of all measures.
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