Chamanculo C und Aeroporto B sind zwei einkommensschwache Stadtviertel im Bezirk Nlhamankulu in der mosambikanischen Hauptstadt Maputo. Die WASH-Situation in diesen Quartieren kann im Allgemeinen als unzureichend bezeichnet werden, da mehr als 90 % der Menschen gemeinsame Hausanschlüsse oder die Wasserhähne ihrer Nachbarn nutzen, die jedoch nur während sechs Stunden am Tag Wasser liefern. Darüber hinaus nutzen nur 13 % der Haushalte im Bairro Sanitäranlagen, die als sicher eingestuft werden können, und über 92 % der vorhandenen Toiletten haben weder ein Dach noch eine abschliessbare Tür.

10% of the residents with own household connections
13% use secure sanitary facilities
92% of the toilets are not lockable and without a roof
The shared sanitation interventions of this project were assessed in cooperation with Maputo’s Municipal Council (Conselho Municipalda Cidade de Maputo, CMM) and designed to complement WASH-improvements in Maputo’s primary schools implemented by WSUP and WfW to ameliorate the learning environment of 6,200 students.
As the construction of shared sanitation facilities by itself does not correspond to a holistic approach, community members of the Aeroporto B and Chamanculo C barrio also benefit from hygiene education regarding handwashing and hygiene practices to encourage responsible hygiene behaviours for an increased health.
installation of 100 shared toilets
installation of 5 community sanitation blocks
promotion of hygiene awareness and behaviour change for 1,620 residents
Together with WSUP and with community based organisations, the sanitation facilities in the barrio are systematically improved.
The selection process for sites for the construction of shared toilets and communal sanitation blocks were encountered together with community based organisations and families. The subsequent construction works were operated by local construction companies.
Several health promotion activities mobilised community members to be aware of effective hygiene practices. Moreover, for a comprehensive impact WfW is pairing the approach of improving sanitation facilities within communities with measures implemented within the primary schools of these communities – such an integrated approach was implemented in the barrio Aeroporto B.
Water Supply
The city of Maputo is supplied with water from the nearby Pequenos Libombos reservoir. Due to the low level of precipitation in the meantime, the water level is around 25% of the total volume. As a result, some of the water has to be allocated by quotas. The Aeroporto B project is designed in such a way that a minimum of 3L can be guaranteed per day.
Improper Use
The proper use of sanitary facilities involves certain practices. These include, for example, the economical use of water, the correct washing of hands, the correct disposal of hygiene products or compliance with gender segregated facilities. The design of the toilets and the comprehensive awareness-raising measures therefore place a strong focus on these aspects and are intended to effectively prevent improper use.

Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)
WSUP is a British multi-sector partnership active in seven African countries. The aim of WSUP is to work with urban water and sanitation companies to provide financially sustainable and affordable supply systems for poor urban areas. WfW works directly with WSUP Mozambique. WSUP is responsible for monitoring and controlling as well as the design of the projects financed by WfW.

Community-based organisation AJUDEM
AJUDEM is a neighbourhood association consisting of residents of the Bairro Aeroporto B and serves as an intermediary and partner in implementation. The association is involved in processes and decisions from the very beginning. Members are trained by experts and then carry out door-to-door awareness raising and hygiene training at Bairro.

Maputo's Minicipal Council (CMM)
All interventions in the Aeroporto B bairro in Maputo are in cooperation with Maputo’s Municipal Council (Conselho Municipalda Cidade de Maputo, CMM). Working with the Municipal Directorate of Education within the CMM ensures the alignment of all measures according to the Council’s strategy for the 101 primary schools in the municipality of Maputo.


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