At WfW, we often talk about water, its equitable distribution, its protection and safe access. However, we do not only work with water as a resource, but also with water as an untameable element of connection. Water connects in all its forms and colours. That is why we always come into contact with people in our projects. We let them inspire us, pick up on their stories and are interested in their perspectives. Unfortunately, many of these stories remain unwritten, many of these perspectives unheard. But here we are listening. Listen with us to the ten stories of the "water-connected", which are constantly updated here.
updated February 10th 2023
Chris Lüthi
WfW Enabling Mind & Managing Director Lüthi Haustechnik AG
It must have been early 2016 when Chris Lüthi wanted to get out of his comfort zone. Driven by the desire to get involved in global projects to make a difference, he did a long research and looked into various projects and opportunities - without a suitable door opening: "I didn't find anything where I could really get involved."
It was only in a toilet of a WfW partner restaurant in Basel that Chris found what he had almost given up looking for. When he saw our poster above the urinal, he knew immediately: "This is exactly what I'm interested in."
"I was looking for something meaningful where I could really get involved."
Chris Lüthi
On the way home, in the tram, he already wrote us an email. Then, everything happened really quickly. Chris came to our office for an exchange, and just two months later he was in Zambia with Morris and Lior, helping to write an assessment of the current state of water supply and water-related vocational training in Lusaka.
Chris has remained close to us up to this day. He supports WfW not only with his company Lüthi Haustechnik AG as a WfW OFFICE partner, but also as an enabling mind. What we appreciate most is that we can always fall back on his knowledge and experience as a plumber, building services planner and interior designer. For technical or entrepreneurial questions as well as for questions about a new curriculum for water-related vocational training in Zambia.
Orçao Muneme
Founder of the Community Based Organisation ADJUPIS
Orçao Munume strives to follow his passions in life. Just like water, finding its destiny in whatever shape a streambed needs it to be, Orçao is moved by motivating others to do social activism. As a founder of the organisation ADJUPIS - a community based organisation WfW works with on WASH in school projects - he aims to build awareness around water, sanitation and the human right of health. With his team of over 130 people he mainly works in schools, communities and churches, since those are the places where the group of people he's working with - kids and teens between the age of nine to eighteen - can mainly be found.
Orçao is convinced that kids and young adults are not only the most fragile and vulnerable group of society but also its future. "By teaching young people about good hygiene and reproductive sexual education we can ensure that they will become good adults."
But even with the greatest enthusiasm in the world WASH activists in his organisation still face many difficulties, when it comes to their profession. Orçao explains that the lack of WASH infrastructure as well as the absence of reproductional education are problems but ones that offer the opportunity to do better. His dream is to create a name as an organisation, to become an example and to inspire others to work together.
Orçao has made the connection around water knowledge and awareness raising his profession and thus connects not only knowledge with people, but also people with each other. Common learning for a common future.
"I like to motivate other people, doing social activation."
Orçao Muneme
Fridah Tembo
Resident of Linda, Lusaka
Fridah Tembo smiles proudly as she wanders through her garden, presenting the vegetables she has grown. With her two children and her husband she lives in Linda, a district 30 minutes outside the centre of the Zambian capital Lusaka. It is in her neighbourhood, among others, where WfW is pursuing the goal of making access to water safe, fair and consistently available for all residents. The goal thereby is to build a sustainable and professional water supply system with a high level of service for all residents of the district.
Being one of those residents that acquired a household connection, Fridah and her family are being billed for their monthly water consumption. But the connection doesn’t only grant enough water for Fridahs’ use, it also provides enough of the blue treasure for the use of the families of her five neighbouring houses. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, the water clients of Linda are connected to the operational team of the customer centre of the local water supplier LWSC, which only lies a few footsteps away from Fridah’s property.
"I love my little garden, working in it and sharing its products."
Fridah Tembe
Fridah studied psychosocial counselling and finds her inspiration in working with people and getting to learn about their stories and lives. This is what connects her to various people and organisations. Through our support of the customer centre to WfW, to her neighbours through the shared use of the water supply or to the team of the customer centre through their service. Water Flows. Water Connects.
Anouschka Barrus
Owner Café Bar Houdini, Luzern
"Has it been 10 years already? It feels like it was just yesterday that Morris Etter came up to me and presented his idea." Lucerne bar Houdini owner Anouschka Barrus is a long-time WfW friend and supporter.
Picture: Franca Pedrazzetti, WfW
When she first heard about WfW, she was working as a bar manager at Südpol in Lucerne, Switzerland. "At that time, we were very involved in catering and restaurant operations, so WASSER FÜR WASSER (WfW) was a great product to integrate as an alternative to bottled water on the menu." Over the years she worked in many different legendary bars and restaurants and always brought WfW with her, implementing our concepts and spreading the word about our work.
"It was always very well received by the people,'' she explains with a smile on her face, "and I’m happy to have been able to see WfW grow and develop over the years." We are grateful that over the decade of our existence many more gastro partners have found the same trust in us as Anouschka. We are always happy to find our carafes on the tables of restaurants or bars, where they create connections for water through water.
"Water to me, stands for life, survival and living."
Anouschka Barrus
Bonface Sichone
Community Manager - LWSC
Bonface Sichone has a decade of stories to tell as he works as a community manager for the Lusaka Water Supply & Sanitation Company (LWSC). The water supply company is responsible for granting water to the capital and therefore the planning, implementation, operation and maintenance of the supply system in WfW project areas.
With his masters degree in social work, Bonface Sichone strives to create a space to consult people, to support them and to offer them a room to share and to connect.
“My job is a calling. It fulfils me and gives me joy.”
Bonface Sichone
When he looks back on all these years, it is the fulfilment he gets when he sees how happy people are and when he feels their joy about his work, that kept and still keeps him going. “At LWSC, we are taking care of a lot of social issues”, he explains, expressing eagerness and commitment. “People are excited about our work, because it means no longer having to fetch water from private untreated boreholes, it means profiting from safe water access and less health issues.”
Amélia Mulhui
Soap - Production
Amélia Mulhui is a woman whose facial expressions seem to draw an everlasting smile, spreading her positive attitude towards the world. Amélia was working in gastronomy, before our paths began to connect when she joined the “YAKOKO” soap production.
WfW is active in Maputo since 2018, implementing projects fostering sanitation and hygiene in Maputo. To this end, we started a collaboration with a Maputo-based soap start-up. Over the years, this connection intensified, and today WfW runs the start-up as a social enterprise with which we have already distributed over 100,000 soaps to primary schools. This is how we now produce and distribute our own coconut oil-based "YAKOKO" soaps. In this way, we not only strengthen the local value chain, but also actively strengthen the hygiene aspect of our WASH in school projects. And Amélia was the perfect match, when we had a vacancy in our soap production.
“Soap is of great importance. We need it for the most simple and at the same time significant tasks.”
Amélia Mulhui
In the function as production lead, she became familiar with the processes of soap production. “At the beginning, I used to present the process to new employees, as I was one of the few people who knew how everything worked.” Over time, the distribution of work has been reorganized, prompting Amélia to proudly talk about the collegial atmosphere and working as a team. “It’s not our personal work. Everyone works wherever they are needed.”
Amélia lives with her two sons - eight and four years old - Her dream is to see the company grow and to see it develop in other countries.
Gilbert Fisch
WfW Supporter and Fundraiser
Sport connects. Water connects. And Gilbert connects. He connects the passion for sports with with an urge to strive to achieve a more equitable world. As the founder of the foundation Summits4Hope, Gilbert Fisch has been substantially supporting WfW for many years.
He is well known on his racing bike, a yellow canister strapped to his back, with which he and his team of "charity riders" draw attention to global water problems. In this way, they cover up to 944 kilometers and 13’000 meters in altitude to collect donations and invest into the future.
Firmly convinced by Nelson Mandela's words that education is the most powerful weapon to change the world, Gilbert is committed to children and their chance to lead a self-determined life. He supports WfW with a focus on WASH projects at schools in Mozambique, whereby the project currently supported by Summits4Hope addresses an improvement of the water, sanitation and hygiene situation at the primary school Inhaca Nkalane, Maputo.
"Clean water, sanitation and hygiene dramatically improve school attendance, especially for girls."
Gilbert Fisch
Mischek Salifyanji
plumbing student at LVCT
Remember the Lusaka Vocational and Technical College (LVCT) from the first episode? Back then we learned about Rose Lyungame teaching at the institute. Today we’re switching the perspective. Dive with us into the story of a young water visionary:
Mischek Salifanji is in his 2nd year as a plumbing student at LVCT, an institute WfW is partnering with since 2013 and has supported over 600 students to graduate from water-related vocational training. Already planning big steps for his future, Mischek explains: “After graduation, I want to start a construction company.” He states with wisely picked words that he is already in the process of motivating other peers to take water-related courses. He hopes that they will find the same inspiration and drive at the courses he enjoys. With a vague visionary option to involve them as partners and employees at his company after their graduation.
“Life is what you plan it to be. It is important to show the world you are there.”
Mischek Salifyanji
Mischek Salifanji is in his 2nd year as a plumbing student at LVCT, an institute WfW is partnering with since 2013 and has supported over 600 students to graduate from water-related vocational training. Already planning big steps for his future, Mischek explains: “After graduation, I want to start a construction company.” He states with wisely picked words that he is already in the process of motivating other peers to take water-related courses. He hopes that they will find the same inspiration and drive at the courses he enjoys. With a vague visionary option to involve them as partners and employees at his company after their graduation.
Madalena Garido
WASH Activist
As a WASH Activist, Madalena Garido Singano starts her days twice a week at primary schools. Arriving at 7am, she starts by guiding the kids on their daily hand washing routines before entering the classrooms. Madalena is working with the community-based organisation ADJUPIS and loves the work with children. “I like to work with kids, teach them how to properly wash their hands, explain why we don’t throw trash on the floor and discuss the importance of those kinds of topics.” The schools visited by Madalena are supported by WfW through the improvement of sanitation infrastructure, allowing over 6,200 students of Maputo’s primary schools to benefit from an upgraded learning environment.
After finishing 12th grade, the 22 year old moved from Beira, where she was born, to Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. At that time she was already familiar with ADJUPIS and was later recommended to them by a friend. She started by doing awareness campaigns for health in Bairros and moved on to being a WASH Activist in December 2021.
“I think my job is really important, because it not only helps the children, moreover, it benefits society as a whole, since hygiene plays its role in every part of our lives.”
Madalena dreams of being a police officer or a teacher one day. She explains that the combination of working with kids and one of the most valuable and important resources of all - the water flowing through all of us, connecting all of us - brings her great joy.
“I like to work with kids, because they teach me things that grown ups won’t.”
Rose Lyungame
Teacher of water supply and sanitation operations (WASSOP) course at LVCT.
What started as a spontaneous suggestion from her uncle has developed into a passionate career. Rose Lyungame started as a student at the Lusaka Vocational and Technical College (LVTC, picture 3), today she is a teacher (picture 2) at the institute and passes on her knowledge, experience and enthusiasm for water operations.
When she came to Lusaka in November 2015, she was uncertain what to do. She enrolled at LVCT, but didn’t know exactly what the different courses would contain. So she relied solely on trust that the father on the bench next to her, who said to his daughter "this is a good course", would be right. She didn't know anyone, but she found enthusiasm for the courses in the eagerness with which the teachers went about their work. She studied, reviewed her notes and loved her courses, the environment and the atmosphere.
"I think teaching is an inborn thing for me."
Rose Lyungame
It was the water that paved the way for Rose to become a teacher, when her only intention was to follow her intuition. And it is the water that connects Rose with us and her students. "I think teaching is an inborn thing for me." It is in connecting her knowledge about the blue treasure to the vision of equal and safe water access for everyone, that Rose finds her inspiration in. The feeling of making people understand what she understands, what she has learned and what she has acquired.
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Want to hear more stories from water-connected people? Follow us on our social media channels and visit our website again soon. We look forward to diving into the stories of the water-connected with you!
Keep Browsing
Together with LVTC, WfW has been providing training for plumbers and water operators since 2015.