Friday Workshop at LVTC in collaboration with local partners, October 2022
Yemba Chilambwe, WfW
In cooperation with the Lusaka Vocational and Technical College (LVTC), WfW has been providing training for plumbers and water operators since 2015.
The vocational school LVTC (Lusaka Vocational and Technical College) reports to the Ministry of Higher Education. With around 750 students it is one of the largest vocational training centres in the country. All employees and teachers are Zambians and responsible for planning and conducting the courses.
Water-specific training
Until 2015, no water-specific courses were offered at LVTC. The focus was on other technical professions, such as electrical installation or bricklaying.
Expensive training
Education costs have to be covered by the students to a large extent. This drastically exceeds the budget of many young people. In the compounds, a large part of the population lives below the poverty line of USD 1.90 per day.
"The partnership with WfW helps us to improve the quality standards for the implementation of water-specific courses, which increases the students' chances on the labour market."
Georgina Chama, Acting Principal LVTC
LVTC in Lusaka, Zambia | Yemba Chilambwe, WfW
LVTC workshop in cooperation with local partners, Lusaka
Lior Etter, WfW
WASSER FÜR WASSER (WfW) partially finances courses and pays for examinations. In addition, the school is supported in the purchase of materials, the expansion of infrastructure or the further training of teaching staff.
Teacher training at Lusaka Vocational Training Centre (LVTC), Lusaka
Lior Etter, WfW
WfW supports graduates of the school in their further training to become teachers. Course costs and other expenses are co-financed. After completing their further education, the students shall be offered employment at the vocational school.
Morris and Lior Etter (left) engaged in a discussion with partners from LVTC, Lusaka
WfW advises the school during the planning and further development of course offerings as well as networking in the sector. Existing teaching materials, tools and technologies were evaluated with reference to standards of both Zambian industry and the water sector. The school's strategic orientation was adjusted accordingly.
LVTC workshop in cooperation with local partners, Lusaka
Lior Etter, WfW
The LVTC developed specific sanitary workshops together with the water supplier LWSC and the production company Lamasat for the first time. These workshops introduce the latest technologies as well as pipe systems and prepare the students to better meet the demands of the labour market.
Friday Workshop LVTC, October 2022 | Yemba Chilambwe, WfW
Field trips and practice-oriented workshops are designed to give trainees and teachers a hands-on insight into water treatment plants and water systems in selected industries. This will improve students' understanding of their professional context through tangible experience and direct input from industry.
The development of a comprehensive COVID-19 protection campaign allowed students to continue their education safely. The set of measures include locally manufactured handwashing stations, soaps, face masks for all students and school staff, as well as trainings in hygienic behaviour and protection measures.
Through the national qualification programme Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Zambian craftspeople who work in the informal sector without any recognised qualification have the opportunity to receive an official certification for their skills. This strengthens the employability and entrepreneurship potential of these skilled and experienced professionals.
first-time introduction of two water-specific courses co-designed and co-financed
over 600 students with completed vocational training in the water sector
practical workshops initiated to introduce the latest technologies
"After I decided to become a water operator, the reactions were not always easy, but with time people accepted it. Even today, friends of mine wonder why a woman with good grades would do such a thing. But I love my vocational training. The WfW funding has done a lot in my life, it has opened doors for me and I am very grateful for that."
Beatrice Milimo, water operator student
"I want to change the image of the plumbing industry: Because when something is installed well, it lasts a lifetime. WfW's support has helped me a lot and given me a chance. I have already encouraged other family members to start the plumber course. WfW is planting a seed that will reap a responsible society."
Mischek Salifyanji, plumbing student
"Best thing about teaching? Giving students what I’ve acquired when I was a student at LVTC myself. I enjoy teaching and giving them better skills - and I dream to have a better learning environment with all necessary requirements that are needed for learners."
Dennis Ndalameta, plumbing teacher
"Whats the water operator course about? It’s about planing, constructing, managing and maintaining the water operation system. I love to spread my knowledge to other people and I think teaching is an inborn thing for me. I used to be a person during classes that helped out already."