At the end of 2020, we already had the pleasure to report in our news about the inclusion of WfW in the Advisory Committee for Water Supply and Sanitation (focus on vocational training) by the Zambian Ministry of Higher Education. The advisory board was established as part of a nationwide reform of the water sector with the aim of bringing authorities, training institutions and employers in the water sector together and coordinating their interests.
In order to accentuate our future mission in vocational education and training and to map out the upcoming work steps of the individual stakeholders within the reform program, WfW was commissioned to conduct a comprehensive market analysis. The aim of this analysis is to develop a deeper understanding of the needs of the Zambian vocational training market in the water sector on the one hand and to derive concrete options for action on the other hand.
The mandate on behalf of the Ministry of Higher Education is a milestone for WfW and further expands our expertise and consulting competence in the sector.
Based on more than 100 interviews and discussions with professionals and companies in the water sector, the study measures both the demands of the private sector regarding the qualifications of their employees and the training needs of skilled water supply workers and electricians.

Final presentation to stakeholders and experts of the Zambian water sector.

Samuel Renggli (WfW) presents the results of the market analysis. | WfW (2021)
A number of important implications for vocational training in the Zambian water sector emerge from the data collected. For example, the market analysis highlighted that greater industry involvement in the VET sector is critical to provide graduates with better opportunities in the labor market in the future and to ensure a high skill level of graduates. The assessment also identified a clear need for continuous vocational training with a focus on the certification of previous work experience, offers for deepening professional knowledge and for professional specialization, as well as the targeted promotion of women and other previously underrepresented social subgroups in the labor market.
These and other findings reinforce our view that open and proactive exchange across rigid institutional structures is fundamental to the desired change and prepares the ground for our future project developments.
We are confident that our findings and recommendations will contribute to further improving the quality of water-related vocational training in Zambia.
With many thanks to the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the GFA Consulting Group.