WfW Badetuch


The diversity of our work means that not every idea of cooperation can be integrated into our standard services. We are involved in associations and always find a way to cooperate with further partners.

Association Work

WfW is convinced that, in addition to partnerships, active association work is also of key importance. Through our membership in associations, we pursue the goals of governance and advocacy, thematic exchange and institutional learning, scoping opportunities for collaboration with other members, and scoping different funding opportunities. WfW is active in the following associations:


Aguasan is an interdisciplinary Swiss community of practice (CoP) in the field of international water and sanitation issues.

Swiss Water Partnership (SWP)

The SWP is a multi-stakeholder platform to find innovative solutions for water challenges in developing and transition countries.


Der Verein VaLoo ist ein Schweizer Netzwerk für kreislauffähige Sanitärsysteme dem Ziel «to create Value from what ends up in the Loo».

Swiss Water & Sanitation Consortium (SWSC)

The SWSC is a consortium of organisations who target to improve water and sanitation services in Africa and Asia.

Cooperation with further partners

Not every idea for cooperation fits into our standard services. However, because we value diverse cooperation with a wide range of partners, we are always open to partnership and aiming to find individualised forms of implementation beyond standard solutions together. Just as we have found with our following partners:

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Together with partners and through our own projects, we are changing water management in Switzerland
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The WfW Documentary provides a unique insight into our projects in Zambia and Switzerland.