In their podcast series “Unseen Heroes” FS Parker and Heidi Hauer are presenting 13 extraordinary women and their inspiring stories. The third episode focuses on the story of Tumba M. Mupango, our WfW team member in Zambia.
August 9th, 2022
For WfW, Tumba M. Mupango has long been a "Seen Hero" whose work enables the further development of WfW Zambia as an organization. Tumba joined the WfW team in early 2020 as the first permanent Zambian employee at the Lusaka site. It is all the more wonderful that she was invited to the podcast series "Unseen Heroes" to make her story and her commitment known to a wider audience.
The podcast series, created by FS Parker and hosted by Heidi Hauer, shines a spotlight on inspiring stories of women who are making the world a better place with their often unseen heroic deeds. In conversation with Heidi Hauer, Tumba talks about gender inequalities and her personal motivation to make a difference in Zambian society.
"We should work for life, positivity and good for the benefit of our present and future generations."