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You, dear reader of these lines, are made up of more than half water. We all need clean water to keep our bodies healthy and alive. That's why we work with our three local WfW organisations every day to make clean water accessible and preserve natural drinking water.
Just imagine: Every second person in your neighbourhood does not have safe access to clean drinking water, as a recent study by the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) shows. What seems unimaginable is a global reality and has devastating consequences for human health. And as if that were not enough: climate change and human intervention are making the fresh water we need to live increasingly scarce.
That is why we work every day to make clean water accessible to people and to preserve natural drinking water. Local WfW organisations create solutions that combine public benefit and social entrepreneurship:
From self-sustaining water supply systems to soap production in a small manufactory, spring water instead of PET bottles in safari lodges, biogas plants in primary schools, water-related vocational training and the fight against water pollution caused by cigarette butts. Below we give you an insight into three of these activities in Mozambique, Zambia and Switzerland.
Nickole and Temwa are enjoying filtered spring water from a WfW glass bottle with their meal at the Chaminuka Lodge in Zambia. In Switzerland, this is now merely a side note, but in Zambia it is a sensation and an example of WfW's pioneering spirit: for the first time, Zambian safari hotels are replacing PET water bottles with filtered spring water from their own property.
In this way, the Zambian WfW partner hotels not only save hundreds of thousands of plastic bottles, but also contribute to the local financing of our activities – water for water now also in Zambia for Zambia!
Nick from WfW picks up a carelessly littered cigarette butt from the ground on Lucerne's lakeside promenade – in the knowledge that a single butt pollutes up to 1,000 litres of water. Every year, around six billion cigarette butts end up in the Swiss environment, posing a serious threat to our bodies of water.
Under the motto ‘Our waters. Your drinking water’ we sensitise and activate people for water protection. For example, at the LUZERN LIVE Festival, where we collect thousands of cigarette butts together with visitors and make the connection between water protection and near-natural and affordable drinking water tangible.
Primary school pupil Quetura Ponja concentrates on pouring the liquid soap mixture into a mould – step by step, she learns how soap is made from local ingredients such as coconut oil and essential oils. As soaps are often in short supply in Mozambique, but are essential for hygiene and health, it is all the more valuable when one's own skills and knowledge are put to use in everyday life.
In addition to our soap workshops for children, we also offer workshops for future female entrepreneurs. The women learn how they can achieve greater economic independence through the production and sale of soaps.
Your contribution enables WfW to continue on the path of an independent and entrepreneurial non-profit organisation. TOGETHER FOR WATER and the love of life!
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