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We hear it every day: the global community of the 21st century is facing immense challenges. The world around us is full of trouble spots, and societies are destabilised. Even our daily actions, such as how we heat our homes, have become political. What remains the same: Water is the basis of all life - for everyone, everywhere. That is why we at WASSER FÜR WASSER (WfW) are committed to this vital resource, activistically and with love: Together for water and the love of life.
WfW has been active on the African continent since 2013 and our first visit in Zambia. In cooperation with more than 600 Swiss partner companies, WfW has supported around 300,000 people in Mozambique and Zambia to the present day. Our commitment includes developing professional water supply systems, promoting dual vocational training in the water sector, and constructing gender-appropriate sanitary facilities in primary schools.
Radhia Mtonga, Sustainability Transitions & Innovation Lead S&P for WfW Zambia at the bootcamp of the Zanaco Green Innovation Challenge powered by WfW.
WfW has already saved ten million PET bottles in Switzerland through its partnerships. This year, we have also started to advise Zambian companies on how to become more sustainable and generate enthusiasm for climate-friendly water consumption. This contributes to the local financing of our activities and reduces dependency on the flow of money from Switzerland – a big jump for WfW!
Since WfW was founded, water resources in Switzerland have come under increasing pressure: In the last ten years, 150 tonnes of microplastics have found their way into our rivers and lakes. Glaciers have shrunk by a further ten per cent. And around 30,000 chemicals are polluting our waters. Tap water in Switzerland is still among the best in the world, but the "watershed Switzerland" is in danger.
In view of these developments, it is clear to us:
Thanks to the impactful and strong WfW teams in Mozambique and Zambia, we will further intensify our long-standing commitment to the human right to water.
Miriana, Magdalena and Livia at an AQUADEMIA input on the topic of the professional world of water at the Zeit-Kind-Schule in Lucerne, Switzerland.
With your support, we contribute to the sustainable and fair use of water resources – both locally and globally. Thank you very much for your trust!
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