In Bern, access to clean water has been a matter of course for centuries: over 100 fountains supply the Swiss capital and its visitors with drinking water. Despite this privileged situation, the consumption of bottled water in Switzerland has doubled in recent decades - at the same time, one in three people worldwide lives without safe access to water. 50 Bernese restaurants support WASSER FÜR WASSER (WfW) in its efforts to change this unequal situation.
In its June issue, BÄRN!MAGAZIN reports on the "water city" of Bern and the work of WfW, with a special focus on the 50 restaurants in the canton, of which almost 30 are located in the city.
The cover of this issue was designed by the Bernese artist Vierwind (Micha Häni). He is donating 20% of the proceeds from the sale of the prints, which are a limited edition, to WfW.
Read the whole article here (in German).